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iTac2 Pole Grip
Itac2's unique blending of Natures Ingredients work in harmony together as an invisible grip. Natures Natural Beeswax gives you a water repellent surface and exceptional amount of natural grip from the beeswax itself like the grip wax on a surface of a surf board. The applied pressure produces grip to the surface. The blend of esters enhances the beeswax’s ability to grip on many more surfaces.
Itac2 changes the surface tension of a material surface when pressure is applied; with the added ability to be water repellent and increasing gripping endurance during performance. You have the same surface area but less pressure to achieve a higher level of grip and control.
For example instead of you squeezing the sporting equipment to death to gain grip and then to suffer the onset of hand and/or body fatigue, Itac2 changes the tension required between your hand and your equipment, letting you relax your hands more and be in more control with less pressure.
In some ways it is similar to a Gecko being able to grip and on run across windows perfectly. On a vertical flat surface the gecko has the ability to use its natural ability to change the surface tension with body temperature though its feet moisture and thousands of super fine hairs to grip the surface. Itac2 provides a water repellent surface to control moisture and changes your grip and direction with a positive response. This allows you to apply less, but constant, pressure for gripping and enabling you to grip with confidence, therefore delivering better control, consistency, accuracy and conserving your energy.
Itac2 - The Choice of Champions highly recommended for all from beginners to experts in sports. ITac2 is the official “Grip of Choice” by many international champions.