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About Us...
PSP are now starting our 8th year of trading, we are a UK-based online pole dance, activewear and accessories business. We are Mr and Mrs Sweet a husband and wife team and I (Mrs Sweet) got into pole fitness as a hobby and a fun way to lose my baby weight, little did I know that it would fast become a lifestyle!
It may sound like a cliche but pole dancing really has changed my life. At the start of my pole journey, I spent a lot of money buying pole clothes from all over the world. I love finding new things for pole whether it be a new grip or a pretty new design of shorts but getting your hands on some of these lovely new pole bits can start getting costly with all the added taxes and shipping and extra sprinkle of fairy dust it takes to get it to you ;-) Then there's the stress of the costly returns when it arrives if it doesn't fit...
From our own experiences with this type of shopping Pole Sweet Pole was born! Bringing you these items all in one place distributed from the UK, saving you the hassle because we've done it all for you!
We are genuine UK Resellers of Dry Hands Pole Grip by Nelsons sports and are proud to be a UK supplier of the Stunning yet practical Pole Wear Brand VEKKER LA, Fab and Funky Rarr Designs!
At Pole Sweet Pole we aim to bring the UK pole community clothing brands that you all love and can't just get everywhere and that I personally, would be proud to use. Our search doesn't stop there, we are also always on the lookout for fab new accessories that make pole dancing easier, sexier or just a bit more fun!
We will always be on the hunt for exciting clothing brands and useful new accessories but at Pole Sweet Pole we also know there are lots of favourite accessories out there that are loved and used by many pole dancers (myself included) so we will be stocking some of the old favourites as well.
Our stock will be ever-growing and our website ever-changing as we add new lines and meet our customer's demands. We have a good idea of what we think works for pole and dance but are always open to suggestions and feedback so if there is a product we don't stock that you think we should, please be sure to let us know.
Happy Shopping - Mr & Mrs Sweet